Contact: Kindra Britt
Email: kbritt@cacountysupts.org
December 15, 2023
California County Superintendents President Gayle Garbolino-Mojica Statement on 2023 State Dashboard Data Release
As county offices of education, we take great pride in our pivotal role within the Statewide System of Support. The 2023 Dashboard data is a testament to the diligent efforts of our students, families, and staff. While there is still much work to be done, the improvements that our local educational agencies have made this past year reflect their tireless dedication to improving the quality of education for their students. We are committed to maintaining this momentum to ensure all students have access to a high-quality education.
The 2023 Dashboard illuminates significant progress: higher graduation rates than pre-pandemic levels and a statewide reduction in chronic absenteeism across all student groups. However, the data continues to reveal significant gaps in equity and opportunity, emphasizing the necessity of continued statewide whole-child initiatives.
This data serves as a valuable guide for communities, families, and school leaders to collaboratively bolster student learning through high-quality teaching and effective grade-level instructional strategies. Recognizing that curriculum and instruction are part of a broader context, we must also focus on student health, social-emotional development, trauma, and basic needs. These elements are integral to a student’s learning capacity and overall success.