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Take 5 Bright Spots & Promising Practices

Take 5! is a monthly spotlight of promising practices happening at county offices of education throughout the state, rotating the five that are featured and the focus areas covered. The map coordinates with the location of the stories featured this month from across our state. You can view past bright spots by clicking the issues below.


2024 Issues

May 2024 Take 5
  1. California Multi-Tiered System of Support (Orange & Butte)
  2. Preparing Students for Growing Cybersecurity Field (Lake)
  3. Foster Youth (Placer)
  4. Equity and Wellbeing (Los Angeles)
  5. Alternative Education/Social Emotional Learning (Riverside)
April 2024 Take 5
  1. Student Success (Shasta)
  2. Preparing Students for Growing Cybersecurity Field (Sacramento)
  3. Youth Suicide Prevention (San Joaquin)
  4. Student Scholarships/University Community (Merced)
  5. Resource Library for Challenging Topics (San Diego)
March 2024 Take 5

Special Edition: Arts Education Month

  1. Art and Environment Education Camp (Mariposa)
  2. Trauma-Informed Arts Educators (Butte)
  3. Counties on the Move 2024: Expanding Access to Arts Education for All Students
February 2024 Take 5
  1. Schools as Centers of Wellness (Del Norte)
  2. Youth Climate Ambassadors (San Mateo)
  3. Love for Literacy (San Bernardino)
  4. Job Skills for Students with Disabilities (Ventura)
  5. Administrators of AI and Innovation (Orange)
January 2024 Take 5
  1. Schools as Centers of Wellness
  2. Supporting Mental Health Services in Schools
  3. Vocational Training to Integrate
    Students with Disabilities into Careers and Society
  4. College and Career Ready: OC Sophomore Pursues AI-powered Solution to Wildfires
  5. Understanding COE Role in Juvenile Court and County Office-Operated Community Schools

2023 In Review

Special Edition: 2023 Year in Review

This is a special edition* of “Take 5” in case you missed some of the top stories that we featured in 2023, highlighting the amazing work our county offices of education are doing across the state. Or, the stories were so good, you may just want to read them again!


*For this version, stories are organized by our top categories for the year listed below in the key in alphabetical order. In order for the links to work, you will need to click the link below for the interactive version. Once the interactive version pops us, click a yellow number to select stories categorized by topic and location in the state.


To interact with the map, click here.

2023 Issues

November 2023 Take 5
  1. Early Literacy
  2. Severe Multiple Disabilities Program
  3. Student Mural Unveiled
  4. Overnight Coding Event for Students
  5. What’s in the DNA of a STEM School?
October 2023 Take 5
  1. Multi-Agency Community Task Force Introduces Fentanyl Awareness
  2. Student Paid to Learn in First-of-its-Kind Apprentice Program
  3. Preparing Students for the World Ahead Through Paid Internships
  4. Equity and Inclusion
  5. Drug-Prevention Education Video Series
September 2023 Take 5
  1. Addressing Chronic Absenteeism
  2. Helping Parents Navigate Substance Abuse & Mental Health Concerns in Teens
  3. Addressing Lack of Housing as a Barrier to Solving the Teacher Shortage
  4. STEAM Show Designed To Help Students Apply School Learning to Real Life
  5. Leading in Cybersecurity Efforts
August 2023 Take 5
  1. School Safety Training
  2. Foreign Exchange Program
  3. Civic Engagement
  4. Breaking Down Barriers to Help Parents Become Teachers
  5. Integrating AI into Teaching and Learning
June 2023 Take 5

This month is our special “Graduation Edition”, and focuses on the amazing variety of student graduates that were celebrated this last month at county offices of education across the state. Special bonus highlight at the bottom that you won’t want to miss!

  1. Graduation Focus: Operation Recognition Diplomas for U.S. Veterans and Japanese American Citizens
  2. Graduation Focus: Special Education Students, Preschool – 22 Years
  3. Graduation Focus: English Language Learner Special Education Students
  4. Graduation Focus: Students with Autism
  5. Graduate Focus: Juvenile Court and County Community School Students

Bonus: Celebrating Pride Month & Juneteenth

May 2023 Take 5
  1. Early Literacy, Digital Divide, Rural Education
  2. Student Leadership, School Governance
  3. Mental Health & Wellness
  4. Juvenile Court Schools, Parent and Community Engagement
  5. Multilingual Learners, Social Emotional Learning
April 2023 Take 5
  1. Staffing Shortage, Teacher Pipeline
  2. Arts Education, Proposition 28
  3. Arts, Inclusion, Neurodiversity
  4. Juvenile Court Schools, Arts, ELA, Social Emotional Wellbeing
  5. Student Wellbeing, Community and Family Engagement
March 2023 Take 5
  1. Native American Studies Model Curriculum
  2. Staffing Shortage/ Teacher Pipeline
  3. Fighting Fentanyl
  4. Equity
  5. Cradle to Career/College and Career Readiness

Bonus: March Literacy Month

February 2023 Take 5
  1. Early Childhood Education, Rural Schools
  2. Alternative Education, Arts, Social Emotional Learning
  3. Alternative Education, Career Technical Education
  4. COE In-house Credential Programs, Staffing Shortages
  5. College and Career Readiness, Equity, LCAP

Bonus: Take 5 for arts education

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