Contact: Kindra Britt
Email: kbritt@cacountysupts.org
December 15, 2022

California County Superintendents President Dr. Debra Duardo Statement on 2022 State Dashboard Data Release and Emphasis on Whole Child Wellbeing.
“As county offices of education, our students drive the work we do. The need to improve outcomes for students is the number one driving force for the decisions we make. The equity gaps that already existed prior to the pandemic have only widened. Adversity affects learning, but it can also offer an opportunity to improve. Thanks to the efforts of our governor and our legislature and the historic investments in education, the time is now to help our students stay on track to be successful.
The 2022 Dashboard underscores the importance of implementing California’s whole child initiatives, including the expanded learning opportunities program, universal meals, Transitional Kindergarten, and community schools. Our continued focus on these programs demonstrates our commitment to successfully serve all students. The 2022 Dashboard data will help inform what communities, families, and school leaders can do collectively to continue our work to accelerate student learning through high-quality teaching, and grade-level instructional strategies. Despite our best efforts, we cannot provide the support students need through curriculum and instruction alone. We need to prioritize students’ health, social emotional development, trauma, and basic needs which all have a significant impact on a child’s ability to learn and succeed.”