Contact: Kindra Britt
Email: kbritt@cacountysupts.org
January 10, 2023

California County Superintendents President Dr. Debra Duardo Statement on the Governor’s 2023 State Budget Proposal
We are in the beginning stages of changing public education as we know it. Despite statewide revenue challenges, the Governor today reinforced his commitment to supporting this transformation in his proposed state budget by protecting prior investments made over the last decade that serve the Whole Child, including community schools, transitional kindergarten, universal meals, expanded learning opportunities, and learning acceleration.
We need to prioritize students’ health, social emotional development, trauma, and basic needs which all have a significant impact on a child’s ability to learn and succeed. The 2022 School Dashboard has further revealed the need for swift, focused support for all students to ensure access and opportunity are equitable across our state. We stand by eager to engage in discussion of the Governor’s vision to ensure all local educational agencies have the resources needed to address the significant equity gaps that are preventing all kids from meeting their fullest potentials.
Thanks to the Governor and the Legislature’s historic investments in education, there is no better time than now to reimagine how we educate our students, support them with wraparound services, and advocate for all children.