One-Time Funding Resources for LEAs
CCSESA convened a One-Time Funding Workgroup to develop tools and resources to assist in the planning and effective use of one-time funding to Local Education Agencies (LEAs). These tools support an effective use of funds for initiatives and efforts that meet the short and long-term needs of students, build LEA capacity, and strengthen systems for equity. They encourage LEAs to build on and strengthen existing initiatives, especially those goals and actions identified in the Local Control Accountability Plan, expand learning opportunities, and leverage resources available through the California System of Support.
Learn more about the “why” behind this project in a statement from CCSESA President L. K. Monroe.
These resources can be found below:
Our five-minute webinars support each of the resources listed below. The webinars dig deeper into the tools resources and will support COEs as they consider how to customize these resources for their local districts and their own programs.

The Considerations for Utilizing Funds to Support Program Design and Student Needs for 2021 and Beyond document is a reference and companion document which supports teams through planning considerations. It includes resources and guiding questions around alignment, equity, accountability, technology, juvenile court and community schools, and personnel.
The Overview of the One-Time Funding Workgroup Slides provides a summary of the One-Time Workgroup’s efforts as well as the purpose and intent of the tools and resources.

The Fiscal Planning Spreadsheet allows COEs and districts to track expenditures and cross-reference allowable uses as well as how much of each funding source has been utilized or is left to be spent in specific areas.

The COVID-19 Relief Funding for PK-12 Education PPT is an anchor document which can be customized by county offices to share with districts. It includes information about plan development, an overview of funding, allowable uses for funding, compliance and reporting documents, and program resources.

A special thanks to our Workgroup Leadership Jennifer Hicks (Placer), Andrea Lemos (Solano),Janet Riley (Merced) and Gary Waddell (Santa Clara) and our contributors: Ryan Choate (Alameda), Phil Grasso (Alameda), Matt Strahl (Alpine), Kirk Delmas (Madera), Jim Sargent (Madera), Beth Kradepohl (Marin), Kate Lane (Marin), Laura Trahan (Marin), Tammy Nguyen (Mono), Dean West (Orange), Susan Connolly (Placer), Kathryn Ferreira (Placer), Eric Calderon (Riverside), Cynthia Glover-Woods (Riverside), Coleen Johnson (Sacramento), Miki Inbody (San Bernardino), Jeanette Chien (San Diego), Ellen Barger (Santa Barbara), Marnie Lynch (Solano), Martin Frolli (Tulare), Micah Studer (Yolo).
If you have any questions about these resources please email Derick Lennox at