Improving Performance of Students with Disabilities 2019
A Handbook for Providing Technical Assistance to Local Education Agencies
This handbook provides resources and guidance for County Office of Education (COE) teams as they help Local Education Agencies (LEA) understand the California School Dashboard and use the data presented on the Dashboard to make adjustments to programs and services for students with disabilities within a continuous improvement process.
The handbook is divided into four sections.
Section One provides an overview of the key components of California’s accountability system with
implications for Students with Disabilities (SWDs).
Section Two includes background information on California’s Students with Disabilities. Models and
frameworks for supporting SWDs are explored including Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS),
Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs).
Section Three offers specific guidance for developing leadership teams that use data to monitor progress, identify interventions, and adapt instructional practices and behavioral supports to promote success for all students. This guidance is presented within a continuous improvement process using Plan, Do, Study, and Act activities.
Section Four provides a toolkit that includes rubrics, templates, tools, and links to a variety of resources that support the technical assistance and guidance strategies presented.