Published by the Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee (CISC) of the California County Superintendents’ Educational Services Association (CCSESA), the English Learner Toolkit of Strategies (ELTS) is designed to provide K-12 classroom teachers, coaches and teachers on special assignments high leverage strategies to increase the English language proficiency of their English learners; the toolkit is designed to be used in both Integrated and Designated English Language Development. The strategies address reading, writing, speaking and listening to prepare ELs for literacy in the 21st century.
A checklist is included to help teachers identify the appropriate strategy for word/phrase, sentence/clause or text level understanding. A consistent template is used for ease of implementation. The template includes ideas for pre-planning, steps for strategy implementation, as well as examples of formative assessments, helpful figures, classroom snapshots and video lesson clips. The examples in the strategies are designed to provide clarity when working with students in either a Kindergarten – 6th grade or 6th grade – 12th grade setting.
It is recommended that teachers participate in professional learning opportunities to acquire and master the strategies in order to successfully utilize the checklist to plan for instruction. The toolkit offers practical ways to engage English learners to develop English language proficiency and grade level content mastery.
and instruction
must be responsive to
different EL student
characteristics and experiences.
The ELTS is designed to support implementation of the historic California English Learner Roadmap policy (CA State Board of Education, 2017).
When used as intended, the ELTS can serve as a vehicle for classrooms aiming to bring the vision of the CA EL Roadmap to life.
In order to utilize the interactive/editable word documents found in the toolkit, download this zip folder to your desktop.
The English Learner Toolkit of Strategies (ELTS) is intended to build upon the existing knowledge and experience of teachers of English learners. Prior to utilizing the Toolkit, it is recommended that users review the content of the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework for California Public Schools (2015) and the California English Language Development Standards: Kindergarten Through Grade 12 (2014).