Published by the Business and Administration Steering Committee (BASC) of the California County Superintendents’ Educational Services Association (CCSESA), the COE Emergency Recovery Guide seeks to inform county offices of education (COEs) as they help school districts prepare for recovery after a large-scale multiagency, multijurisdictional emergency. This guide is not an emergency response manual; rather, it is a guide for COE leaders to foster districts’ preparation before and recovery after a catastrophic event.
This guide was created based on the experience many COE’s gained with their school districts facing California’s large-scale fires and mudslides, and their experience in ongoing preparations for earthquake, flood, and nuclear events.
Emergency recovery planning and management are important but have not typically been common subjects among county-level school administrators. This guide hopes to provide guidance for county school officials to use before, during and after a large scale emergency.
Emergency recovery actions start at the onset of a large-scale emergency, concurrent with the response to
the event.
This document should not be viewed as a procedures manual but as a list of emergency recovery planning actions and tasks to consider to improve school districts’ preparation.
Central to this guide is the knowledge that the effectiveness of recovery is directly correlated with the amount of planning and preparation done in advance.
The COE Emergency Recovery Guide is a living document and will be revised and edited as counties experience
large-scale emergencies.