CCSESA School Reopening Guidance
This document is intended as a resource for county superintendents of schools and county offices of education (COEs) in working with their local public health officials and local educational agencies (LEAs) to establish and implement procedures for reopening and operating schools after the closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This document will evolve over time as more information becomes available. The CCSESA COVID-19 shared drive includes county-developed resources and other documents and examples helpful to county offices of education in responding to the pandemic. Resources will be added or updated as information and additional materials are identified.
County superintendent of schools are uniquely positioned to collaborate with local officials about reopening schools and to lead discussions about changes needed in schools to protect the safety of students and staff.
The Health Officers Association of California (HOAC), a membership organization representing the physician health officers in California’s city and county jurisdictions, designated a liaison to review and provide input on this document. CCSESA appreciates HOAC’s collaboration and the technical assistance provided by their liaison.