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California County Superintendents President Gayle Garbolino-Mojica Statement on the Governor’s 2024-2025 Revised State Budget Plan



Contact: Kindra Britt
May 16, 2024


California County Superintendents President Gayle Garbolino-Mojica Statement on the Governor’s 2024-2025 Revised State Budget Plan


“With the release of Governor Newsom’s revised state budget plan, California’s county superintendents recognize that amidst reductions across the entire budget, the Local Control Funding Formula and the vast majority of whole-child programs were protected. We are in challenging budget times and know the TK-12 education community is not immune from hard choices. The budget proposes cuts to young learners with exceptional needs, the teacher workforce pipeline, and more. We are equally concerned to see funding for electric school buses grow to $900 million next year.  Protecting our students against budget shortfalls will take a combination of creativity and continuing to prioritize student outcomes. Over the next month, we look forward to more conversations with the Administration and Legislature as we all work towards finalizing a budget that supports the education and wellbeing of all our students.” 

Nearly six million students walk into California classrooms each day. They are urban, suburban, rural and represent an unrivaled diversity of cultures, ethnicities, and races. The California County Superintendents provides the organizational mechanism for the 58 County Superintendents of Schools to design and implement statewide programs to identify and promote quality cost-effective educational practices and services, and provide support to school districts in the areas of student services, curriculum and instructional services, fiscal accountability and business services, personnel services, and technology and telecommunications.


Contact: Kindra Britt
May 21, 2024

California County Superintendents Board of Directors Votes to Oppose Ongoing Reductions to Proposition 98, Joining Other Educational Leaders  


“On behalf of the California County Superintendents, we reject the Administration’s proposal to cut funding that is guaranteed to schools under Proposition 98. The Governor, to his credit, proposes a budget that largely insulates TK-12 schools from reductions that are expected elsewhere in the budget. But the means of doing so—an $8.8 billion cut to last year’s baseline educational funding level—will deprive the students and local educational agencies of billions of dollars, now and in the years to come. We reject setting a precedent that will lower the school funding levels to less than what the constitution demands. We stand aligned with our statewide educational partners and look forward to discussions with the Legislature and Administration to ensure California passes a balanced budget that honors the voters’ commitment to TK-12 education.”


– Gayle Garbolino-Mojica, Placer County Superintendent of Schools and President of the California County Superintendents

Nearly six million students walk into California classrooms each day. They are urban, suburban, rural and represent an unrivaled diversity of cultures, ethnicities, and races. The California County Superintendents provides the organizational mechanism for the 58 County Superintendents of Schools to design and implement statewide programs to identify and promote quality cost-effective educational practices and services, and provide support to school districts in the areas of student services, curriculum and instructional services, fiscal accountability and business services, personnel services, and technology and telecommunications.

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