Contact: Kindra Britt
Email: kbritt@cacountysupts.org
June 15, 2023
California County Superintendents President Dr. Debra Duardo Statement on the Legislature’s Agreement on the State Budget
Despite budget shortfalls, the victories for TK-12 education in this budget underscore the Legislature’s commitment to support a holistic system that benefits all students by recognizing their individual needs. We are grateful for the Legislature’s protection of the state’s transformational initiatives that nurture the whole child, including transitional kindergarten expansion, universal schooling, and expanded learning opportunities. Their efforts in maintaining the local control funding formula at its current level are particularly noteworthy.
This budget is about protecting whole child programs targeted to assist our lowest performing and most vulnerable students. Led by Assemblymember Mike Gipson (D–Los Angeles), we appreciate the Legislature’s intent to meaningfully represent our justice-involved youth who we serve in our county office juvenile court and community school programs. County offices of education are poised to use this historical investment to create supports that pave the way to graduation, college and careers.
We are grateful to the Legislature for the resources and funding we as county offices need to continue to support our students and school communities in meaningful and impactful ways.