Contact: Kindra Britt
Email: kbritt@cacountysupts.org
September 21, 2022
California County Superintendents Announces 2022 Award Winners
The California County Superintendents is pleased to announce the winners of the 2022 Annual Awards announced last evening. The annual awards winners are selected by an awards committee composed of county superintendents throughout the state. Below you will find the 2022 recipients, along with a short description of the award that they received.
STAR Awards:
The California County Superintendents has 5 steering committees that consist of county office subject matter experts from across the state. Each year, the members of the steering committees select one colleague who has gone above and beyond in their field to support the mission and vision of the California County Superintendents in service to students.
- Business and Administration Steering Committee STAR Award Winner: Janet Riley, Merced County Office of Education
- Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee STAR Award Winner: Jennifer Hicks, Placer County Office of Education
- Personnel Administrative Services Steering Committee STAR Award Winner: John Laughlin, Sonoma County Office of Education
- Student Programs and Services Steering Committee STAR Award Winner: Michelle Zevely, Butte County Office of Education
- Technology Steering Committee STAR Award Winner: Teri Sanders, Imperial County Office of Education
Leadership Awards:
Each year, the California County Superintendents offers four annual awards that are aligned with those given annually by the national Association of Educational Service Agencies (AESA). The California County Superintendents awards are for technological innovation, professional publication, legislative leadership and executive leadership, and are listed first below, with the AESA award listed second.
1. California County Superintendents Technological Innovation Award/AESA Brian L. Talbott Award
The recipient of this award is forwarded to AESA as the CA nominee. Awarded to an individual or agency for contribution in the area of technological innovation and support to local districts and county offices of education.
- Advancement of the goals and philosophies of county offices of education.
- Evidence that agency/person has provided innovative technology support to constituent schools in the areas of instruction and/or business management that has caused positive improvement; and/or
- Evidence that the agency/person has effectively used technology for enhancing the agency’s own operation and accountability.
California County Superintendents Technological Innovation & AESA Brian L. Talbott Award Winner: Gayle Garbolino-Mojica and Michael Lombardo, Placer County Office of Education
2. California County Superintendents Professional Publication Award/AESA E. Robert Stephens Award
Awarded to an individual for research, writing, and/or publishing of information that advances the understanding of county office of education programs at the regional, state, and/or national levels. The work(s) may include, but are not limited to articles, monographs, dissertations, a book chapter, or a book.
- Advancement of the goals and philosophies of county offices of education.
- Scholarly nature of the work(s); impact of the research, writing and/or publication on county offices of education.
California County Superintendents Professional Publication & AESA E. Robert Stephens Award Winner: Dr. Debra Duardo, Dr. Kathryn Edwards, Leslie Zoroya, Los Angeles County Office of Education.
3. California County Superintendents Legislator of the Year Award/AESA Walter G. Turner Award
Awarded to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to legislation for the advancement of county office of education programs at the regional, state, and/or national levels.
- Advancement of the goals and philosophies of county offices of education. • Outstanding accomplishments and innovative practices.
- Exercise of leadership.
- Service to the community of county offices of education.
California County Superintendents Legislator of the Year/AESA Walter G. Turner Award Winner: Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D- South Los Angeles)
4. California County Superintendents Executive Leadership/AESA Justus A. Prentice Award
Given to an individual for contributions through executive leadership in the advancement of county office of education programs at the regional, state, and/or national levels.
- Advancement of the goals and philosophies of county offices of education.
- Outstanding accomplishments and innovative practices.
- Exercise of leadership.
- Service to county offices of education.
California County Superintendents Executive Leadership/AESA Justus A. Prentice Award Winner: Dr. Ceci Massetti, Madera County Office of Education
Legacy Award:
This award was created as a way to recognize a colleague that has been instrumental in carrying the mission and vision of county offices forward in a way where the impact is greater than the county they serve.
Legacy Award Winner: Mary Jane Burke, Marin County Superintendent
Champion’s Award:
This annual award is given to the county superintendent that has been selected by the five most recent California County Superintendents Past Presidents, as the county superintendent that “epitomizes the mission of the organization”.
Champion’s Award Winner: L. K. Monroe, Alameda County Superintendent