The California County Superintendents believes that every student needs and deserves a high-quality education in the arts, including the subject areas of dance, music, theater, and visual arts as part of a comprehensive curriculum.
The California County Superintendents Arts Initiative, sponsored by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, plays a leadership role in providing support, technical assistance, and services for teachers, administrators, and parents. The Arts Initiative is designed to build capacity and provide support to schools and districts by offering a full complement of services utilizing the statewide county office of education infrastructure.
Under the grant, county superintendents work with the business community and the arts community towards a systemic state (research, resources, support) and local (data gathering, education, courses of study, and professional development) approach to bringing the arts into the classroom at every grade level.
Visit the Arts Initiative Website at www.cacountyarts.org
Staff Contact:
Letty Kraus
Director of the California County Superintendents Arts Initiative
1029 J Street, Ste. 200
Sacramento, CA 95814