Contact: Kindra Britt
Email: kbritt@cacountysupts.org
January 10, 2025
California County Superintendents President Rich DuVarney Statement on the Governor’s 2025-2026 State Budget Proposal
“As has been the case over the last several years, the Governor underscored his ongoing commitment to maintaining support for students, communities and schools by protecting prior investments so that all children have access to a high-quality education through whole child programs. This year is notable in that several key initiatives will reach full implementation such as Universal Transitional Kindergarten, before, after, and summer school programs for TK-6th grade students (with the highest concentrations of low-income students, English learners, and youth in foster care, otherwise known as unduplicated students), as well as continued funding for universal school meals.
We appreciate continued significant investments for TK-12 programs, and the support needed to provide students with basic needs so that all students have an opportunity to be successful in a workforce that welcomes college or career readiness achieved during their TK-12 experience. We are grateful for the Administration’s commitment to core programs and support, maintaining fiscal stability for our LEAs, and most importantly our students and their families. Our work now will consist of continued conversations with the Administration and Legislature as we all work to finalize a budget that supports the education and wellbeing of all of our students.”