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California County Superintendents President Dr. Debra Duardo Statement on the May Revision to the Governor’s 2023 Budget



Contact: Kindra Britt
May 12, 2023


California County Superintendents President Dr. Debra Duardo Statement on the May Revision to the Governor’s 2023 Budget


On behalf of the 58 county superintendents, we are grateful for the Administration’s ongoing commitment to transforming public education. Despite the continuing statewide revenue challenges, the Governor today reinforced his dedication to education in the May Revision to the 2023 proposed Budget.

Within California’s public school system, juvenile court and county community schools are an important safety net for students facing unique barriers to academic achievement and social-emotional well-being. We are thrilled to see the dedicated investment in our students served in our juvenile court and county community schools reflected in the May Revision. For California’s at-promise students, the Governor’s budget will support the expansion of high-quality coursework, post-secondary preparation, vocational opportunities, and counseling. This is essential for county offices of education to continue serving all of our students equitably, and to give them the best chance of being successful beyond our educational system.

Lessons learned have taught us that change takes place over time and there is not a quick fix when it comes to improving student outcomes. We applaud the Administration’s proposal to extend the period of differentiated assistance and appreciate the additional resources to ensure county offices have the capacity to provide ongoing support to our LEAs.

Thanks to the Governor and the Legislature’s historic investments in education, there is no better time than now to reimagine how we educate our students, support them with wraparound services, and advocate for all children. This budget is all about protecting the Whole Child programs targeted towards our lowest performing and most vulnerable students and we give the Governor full credit, and our appreciation, for that effort.


More than five million students walk into California classrooms each day. They are urban, suburban, rural and represent an unrivaled diversity of cultures, ethnicities, and races. The California County Superintendents provides the organizational mechanism for the 58 County Superintendents of Schools to design and implement statewide programs to identify and promote quality cost-effective educational practices and services, and provide support to school districts in the areas of student services, curriculum and instructional services, fiscal accountability and business services, personnel services, and technology and telecommunications.

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